

Friday, March 14, 2014

Things Are Not Always As They Appear

In this modern age that we live in we are constantly surrounded by media and all forms of technology. We get online and can see exactly what the people in the world around us are doing (or at least what they want us to see).

Many women take a hit to their self-esteem every time they look at blogs, check Facebook, or look on pinterest. They see all the good things other people do and feel inadequate when they can barely manage to get a shower in after staying up with a baby all night.

When we compare ourselves to everyone like that, we forget that we are only seeing the side of people they choose to put online. Of course they would choose to post about the fun outing they had with their kids, or the delicious dinner they just made, or the project that they just completed. We want to put our best foot forward, and no one would be inspired by a post about how a mom just got her three screaming children to bed and lost her temper in the process.

When we go online we need to realize that things are not always as they appear. Not all people are being 100% authentic, they may not be posting about everything that has gone on in their day. They simply choose to post about the things they found noteworthy and wanted to look back on and remember with fondness one day.

I'm not saying that we need to post all the negative things in our life as well as the positive. I'm just saying that when we do go online we need to realize that everyone has their own struggles in life, and we can't compare our worst day with someone else's best day.

We as humans naturally compare ourselves to others. I myself have done that many times.
When we stand next to someone who is thinner than us, we are very aware of the extra weight that we carry around. But in contrast, when we am standing next to someone who is very overweight, we suddenly feel like we are doing pretty well size wise.
When we are standing next to someone who is very successful and seems to have everything together, we feel inferior. But when we are in the company of someone who is going through a rough patch, we are better able to see the good things that we have in our lives.

We need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Instead of looking online we need to look in the mirror. We need to strive to become a better person today than we were yesterday.
We need to be our best selves and not worry about how we compare to others.

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